"On the way to the Christmas Party" (19:30 min)  - Fiat 500 (front-wheel-drive, stick shift) - starring Janine - Location: snowy street Janine is on theway to a Christmas Party. She is in a very happy mood, looking forward to see herfriends and lots of good food. And the drive is so beautiful. Outside is WinterWonderland. Everything is covered in snow and the sun shines bright and makeseverything sparkling! But when the temperatures drop, the snow covered streetsgets more and more icy. Soon her tires start spinning on the icy snow. Janineis totally surprised, looking out of the window of her little Fiat to the tires… To see what’s going on, Janine steps out of the car. She walks around thecar, see how deep the snow is and tries to shove some snow away from the tires.But it’s so icy, she can barely walk with her high-heeled boots. She is justslipping and sliding, almost falling and giving little shrieks of surprise … Janine is happy to be safely back in her car and tries againto drive forward. But to no avail. She can back up a little and keeps tryingforward, now with even more speed. But she is stuck. The car is going nowhereforward. Janine backs up again, but after a little moving, she tires are alsojust spinning backwards. Damn. That’s not good, thinks Janine! But she keepstrying: forward and backward. And the car always moves a little in each direction,before it’s stuck again … Finally she manages to get out and drive away for a coupleof meters, before the car get stuck again in the snow. And the story repeats:Janine steps out of the car again … and is slipping and sliding on the snow.She almost fell several times. There is just no way walking with heels on thisicy surface! Quite frustrated and desperate Janine sits back in the car andtries again: she is spinning the tires like crazy now!!! Will there be a Happy End? :-) - some nice pedal pumping Scenes - a lot of great inboard Scenes - with quite some car movement - some slipping and sliding with high-heels
Filmed in HD (High Definition) 19:30 min - stuck, pedal pumping Downloadvideos high: 627 MB / medium: 195 MB / small: 60 MB Previewclip (10,7 MB wmv large) Previewclip (3,4 MB wmv medium) Previewclip (1,0 MB wmv small) |